Savage Driver Named Carnegie Hero for Life Saving Actions

October 15, 2019
Savage truck driver Richard Krochta was named as one of 18 Carnegie Heroes by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission for rescuing and saving the lives of two people trapped in a burning car in August 2018.
The Commission’s website states that “The Carnegie Medal is given throughout the U.S. and Canada to those who risk their lives to an extraordinary degree while saving or attempting to save the lives of others.”
Richard was driving his regular route near Colorado Springs, CO early one morning when he came across a vehicle accident where the car had burst into flames. The former firefighter’s quick action to pull the two injured passengers from harm’s way saved their lives, according to the Colorado State Patrol which recognized Richard’s actions as “truly heroic.”
Months later, Richard was able to meet the mother of one of the victims of the fiery wreck, who expressed heartfelt appreciation for saving her daughter.
We’re grateful to have Richard as part of our team!